The dilemma of Identity: Jung’s Archetypes Approaches Self & Identity in Taufiq Rafat’s Foothold


  • Muhammad Iqbal University of Sahiwal Author
  • Imran Iqbal Govt. Post Graduate College Sahiwal Author



Rafat; Foothold; Dilemma; Self-identity; Jung


This article investigates the internal unrest and battles of the protagonist; Saleem in the excursion of life and makes an equal between his buddies over a wide period. This exploration concentrated on Saleem's mission for oneself and will investigate the contention of self and Identity by the survey through the perspective of Jung's ideas of self and character. Also, this examination will dive into the other fundamental character of the play, The Station Master, who settles Saleem's contention through his impedance. The Station Master is a piece of the framework, a total differentiation to Saleem yet, in any case, goes about as a manual for him. The examination also features the general public's treatment to a dissident or anyone who will not adjust in the subtext. It attracted a correlation with the equal existence of the Station Master and Saleem to clarify the genuine securing of self and character.


