Body Image Dissatisfaction Theory and Its Impact on Female Representation in Media: A Case Study


  • Huma Altaf COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus Author



Fear Marketing; , Body Image Dissatisfaction;, Internalization of Thin Ideal; , Social Comparison; Media


This research paper has an objective to identify fear-containing messages as one of the predictors of body image dissatisfaction in adult females by using the tripartite model of Influence by using two mediating variables: social comparison and Internalization of the thin ideal. The objective of finding this relationship was to make marketers aware of the negative consequences of such messages on recipients of these messages, who are mostly young females, and create public awareness. For this purpose, 321 adult females between the ages of 18-29 were subject to the study. Results have clearly shown that elements of guilt and shame in messages aimed at females have a role to play in body image dissatisfaction, as a medium correlation was found between these two. On the other side, social comparison and Internalization mediated this relationship, which leads to psychological problems in females.


